• recap
    • Publish-subscribe model
      • centralized vs. peer2peer
      • architecture
      • most of distributed system is based on this
    • push vs. pull
  • Message queue paradigm
    • Producers and Consumers
    • Poll vs. Notify
    • Simple architecture (WebSphere of IBM): Client - Proxy - Stub - MQ - Services
  • Distributed shared memory (DSM)
  • JavaSpaces API
  • Summary of indirect communication
    • Groups
    • Publish-subscribe
    • MQ
    • DSM
    • Tuple Space
  • Recap Memory Cache
    • Main memory: ID -> Content
    • Cache memory: Cache ID, ID -> Content (Associative)
  • Operating system support:
    • System layers: middle ware combines operating systems as one
    • Thread: an ordered sequence of instructions under execution
      • Control flow (Thread) vs. data flow